
HAWE Hydraulik turns 75 years young

75 years ago, on 15th February 1949, the company "Heilmeier und Weinlein" was entered into the commercial register of the district court in Munich. At that time, it employed nine people, including the two founding fathers, the engineer Karl Heilmeier and the businessman Wilhelm Weinlein. This marked the beginning of what HAWE Hydraulik is today - a globally active company with 2770 employees and a worldwide turnover of over 500 million euros. Even today, after 75 years of company history, it is an independent family business that proudly combines its tradition with a lot of innovative spirit.

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FEIMEC 15.05.2024 - 15.05.2024
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iVT Expo 26.06.2024 - 27.06.2024
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Contatto e servizio stampa

Astrid Vosberg

Head of Corporate Communications

Tel: +49 89 379100-1134


a.vosberg (at) hawe.de